• DrosTuga 2024

    10th Meeting of Portugal Drosophila research community

    7th and 8th of November 2024

    Hotel Villa Batalha,

    Batalha, Portugal 


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    DrosTuga is the annual conference organized by and for Drosophilists working in Portugal but open to researchers from anywhere in the world.

    DrosTuga is centered on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and, as such, extremely diverse regarding the biological questions it welcomes. The widescoped biology presented and discussed at DrosTuga aims to contribute to an integrated understanding of organisms and to fuel new collaborations within the community.

    Everyone, including Master students, is welcome to share their research and apply for an oral presentation or a poster.


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    Filipe Pinto Teixeira

    Center for Integrative Biology - CNRS

    Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

    Toulouse, France

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    João Raimundo

    Católica Biomedical Research Center,

    Católica Medical School,


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    Florence Janody

    I3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


    Filipe Pinto Teixeira heads the Laboratory for the Study of Neural Circuit Development at the Center for Integrative Biology- CNRS, Toulouse, France.
    His lab studies how neural circuits are assembled during development, and how changes in neuronal circuity wiring impinge on neuronal function and behavior when development goes wrong.
    João Raimundo is the head of the 3D Gene Regulation & Development lab at Católica Biomedical Research Centre in Lisbon, Portugal.
    His lab investigates how the 3D organization of the genome orchestrates precise spatiotemporal patterns of gene activity during development, combining quantitative live-imaging tools with functional genomic methods.
    Florence Janody is a Group Leader at i3s (Porto, Portugal), where she leads the Cytoskeletal Regulation & Cancer Laboratory.
    Her lab aims to shed light on how the organisation, dynamics and mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton spatially coordinate the whole interconnected cancer signalling network to drive emergent cellular responses.

    A detailed schedule will be sent to all participants once the selection of talks and posters is made.

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    Thank you for your support!

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    Hotel Villa Batalha

    Batalha is a town and a municipality in historical Beira Litoral province. The town's name means "battle".

    The town was founded by King D. João I of Portugal, jointly with the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória na Batalha (a World Heritage Site), to pay homage to the Portuguese victory at the Battle of Aljubarrota (August 14, 1385) that put an end to the 1383–1385 Crisis.


    Rua D. Duarte I, Nr. 248

    Batalha, Leiria 2440-505, Portugal


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    Cláudio Sunkel (i3S)

    Mariana Osswald (i3S)

    Élio Sucena (Fac. Ciências UL)

    Elvira Lafuente (Fac. Ciências UL)

    Priscilla Akyaw (Fac. Ciências UL/ GIMM)

    Alexandre Leitão (F. Champalimaud)

    Tânia Paulo (Boston Children's Hospital)

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    Alexandre Leitão (F. Champalimaud)
    Carlos Conde (i3S)
    César Mendes (U. NOVA)
    Christa Rhiner (F. Champalimaud)
    Élio Sucena (Fac. Ciências UL)
    Elvira Lafuente (Fac. Ciências UL)
    Eurico Sá (i3S)
    Luis Teixeira (U. Católica)
    Mariana Osswald (i3S)
    Raquel Oliveira (U. Católica)
    Rita Teodoro (U. NOVA)
    Rui Martinho (U. Aveiro)
    Zita Santos (GIMM)
  • Contact Us

    Rua D. Duarte I, Nr. 248
    Batalha, Leiria 2440-505